How to Stop Allergies at Home

Allergens hide in many unexpected places and now it’s time to send those packing. Here are 8 tips on how to cut down on allergic reactions in your house by cleaning and getting the right equipment.

Clutter gathers dust

A messy home = heaven for dust mites, bugs, mould, and mice. Recycle old newspapers, magazines, cans, and grocery bags weekly—and keep the bins outside if you can.


Banish dust mites by encasing your mattress, pillow and quilt with AllergyCare Premium or Ultimate encasing and wash your bedding (sheets and pillow cases) in 40-degree water weekly.


Crumbs in the Kitchen

Crumbs and overflowing garbage lure mice and roaches—and their droppings can aggravate allergies. Keep your space clean.

Pet Dander

Pet dander

Pet dander and saliva spell trouble for 30 percent of allergy sufferers. Washing or brushing your pet weekly (do it outside) can lower your home’s dander level. Keep dogs and cats out of the bedroom

Fabric furnishings hold dust and dander

Fabric furnishings hold dust and dander

Dust weekly. Wash blankets and throw rugs in hot water (or have them dry-cleaned). Pick up pet fur with your vac’s upholstery attachment, and try to keep pets off furniture.



Moist bathroom or basement walls love to breed mould. Wipe them down with a chlorine-bleach solution to keep fungus at bay

Bedding - Anti Dust Mite Covers

Carpet harbors dust mites

Dust mites and pet dander love carpets and rugs, so get your vacuuming done weekly. Make sure it has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to trap tiny particles. (Non-HEPA vacs just recirculate them) To really ditch allergies, leave your floors bare.


Open windows bring outdoor allergies in

Refreshing breezes are great—unless they usher ragweed pollen indoors. Keep windows shut between the high-pollen-count hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. (If it’s warm, keep the air conditioner running; it filters out pollen inside your home.) And remove shoes outside to avoid tracking in pollen particles.